* @method getDomCounts - Get the tag information in some page; * @param * @return An object with the result of tag name as key and tag counts for value.*/function getDomCounts() { let nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); let tags = {}; for (let i = nodes.length - 1; i; i--) { var tagName = nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tags[tagName]) { tags[tagName]++; } else { tags[tagName] = 1; } } return tags;}/** * @method sortTags - sort an object by value of an object; * @param tagsInfo - an object which needs to be sorted; * @return An Array composed by the object key*/function sortTags(tagsInfo) {
return Object.keys(tagsInfo).sort((a,b)=> { return tagsInfo[b]-tagsInfo[a] })}let tagsInfo = getDomCounts();let sortedTags = sortTags(tagsInfo);let mostUsedTags= {};for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let key = sortedTags[i]; mostUsedTags[key] = tagsInfo[key]}console.log(mostUsedTags);